Quinn Estates


Quinn Estates




Reduce the heat coming through office windows.

Product(s) Used

External Reflective Silver 20.


Tintfit were contacted by Quinn Estates, the management company of Connect 38, a new build office block in Ashford, Kent. Unfortunately during the construction of the office block the incorrect glazing had been installed and the glaziers who had installed it had since went into liquidation. The incorrect glazing was causing enormous heat build up inside of the office space and it had got to the point where tenants were withholding rent until the issue was fixed.

Quinn Estates were left with 2 options, replace all of the glazing in the building or apply a window film to reduce the heat entering the building. Replacing the glazing simply was not an option due to the expense, logistics and time it would take. Tintfit recommended installing our External Reflective Silver 20 window film in order to resolve the issue. After some technical analysis of the film by Quinn Estates they agreed that this would be the best solution.

Tintfit applied the window film to 1185m2 of glazing in less than 3 weeks. Saving Quinn Estates hundreds of thousands on the cost of new glazing and resulting in a temperature reduction which satisfied the tenants of the building.

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